The Step-by-step Tutorial to Genesis Master Pass Free Mint & Stake

May 7, 2024

Before you dive into our exciting Genesis Master Pass Free Mint, we’ve prepared a comprehensive tutorial. This tutorial covers Minting, Staking, Earning Points, Upgrading, and Referring to ensure you can navigate the process with ease. Just follow our detailed steps, and you’ll be set!

How to Mint?

1. Visit the website:

2. Click on ‘Connect Wallet’.

3. Choose your wallet to connect. After connecting, check your whitelist status and type (Guaranteed Whitelist/FCFS Whitelist).

4. Once the minting period begins, click on ‘Mint NFT’ and ‘Confirm’, then confirm the transaction in your wallet. After you see ‘Mint Request Submitted’, please wait a few minutes.

5. After the transaction is completed, click on ‘My Inventory’ to check the NFT you minted and start to stake.

How to Stake?

1. Select ‘Stake’ from the top navigation bar.

2. Select your NFT and click on ‘Stake’ to begin staking.

3. Click ‘Confirm’ in the ‘Approve for NFT Transfer’ popup.

4. After confirming and the pop-up disappears, you need to click ‘Stake’ again.

5. Click on ‘Confirm’ again, then confirm the transaction in your wallet.

6. After you see ‘Stake Request Submitted’, please wait a few minutes. When ‘Staking’ appears on the Pass card, it means the stake is completed.

How to Earn Airdrop Points?

1. After staking an SSR Pass, points will be automatically mined daily without any further action required.

After staking an SR or R Pass, click on ‘View Quest on Galxe’ on the right and complete the corresponding tasks on Galxe to earn points.

Daily Point Output Ratio: SSR:SR:R=150:40:10

2. After clicking the link, enter the Galxe website, select the Quest for the current day, join, and complete the tasks to earn points. Please make sure to choose the correct date and Pass Tier.

How to Upgrade

3 Master Pass-R can be combined into 1 Master Pass-SR

3 Master Pass-SR can be combined into 1 Master Pass-SSR

1. Select ‘Upgrade’ from the top navigation bar.

2. Click on the Pass you want to upgrade, then click on ‘Confirm’ in the pop-up, and finally click ‘Confirm’ in your wallet. You will then have completed the upgrade.

How to Refer?

Each Pass holder will get an exclusive referral code after staking. By inviting other holders to enter the referral code and stake, both parties will receive bonus points. The more team members you invite, the higher the bonus points. A single user can earn up to a 50% bonus in points. For details:

1. Select ‘Referral’ from the top navigation bar, click the ‘Copy’ button below ‘My Referral Code’, and share the invitation code with other Holders.

2. The referee should enter your referral code on the right side of the “Referral” page and stake the Master Pass. Once both actions are completed, the points bonus will start being calculated.

Check your Points

You can check your points earned & ranking in the “Leaderboard” page.

We wish you a pleasant and fruitful journey with Master Protocol.




